Trading & Liquidity Marketplace

What we are and what we propose.

About Équilibre

Équilibre is an AMM (Automatic Market Maker) based on Velodrome designed to provide large liquidity, low swapping fees, and low slippage. As a Defi protocol, Équilibre is at the service of supporting the evolution and diffusion of Kava and its community.

Backed by the VARA token and veVARA, Équilibre's model incentivizes liquidity by giving token lockers the right to choose the protocol’s emissions to their available pairs.

Équilibre rewards liquidity providers and active governance participants through VARA (native token) and veVARA distribution. Liquidity providers receive VARA emissions. Vote-escrow VARA (veVARA) holders vote on which liquidity pools receive VARA emissions. In return, lockers obtain 100% of the trading fees generated by the pairs they vote for, any bribes directed toward these pairs, and an anti-dilutive rebase (3,3). This system naturally enhances the pairs with the highest value for the ecosystem.


Created by Solidly

Solidly and Andre Cronje at the time presented a revolutionary idea as an AMM at the disposal of the community and a blockchain ecosystem by bringing together some of the most game-changing ideas in DeFi.

  • A base-layer AMM targeting blockchain projects, gaining their buyin by distributing initial ownership of voting power as veNFTs.

  • Incentivize trading commissions instead of passive liquidity by giving bonuses to voters in a pool, thus directing liquidity to where it is most required and effective.

  • Mechanics ve(3,3) that rewards those who get ahead in locking, avoiding dilution of governance power.

Inspired by Velodrome

Velodrome has added some key adjustments to this initial idea that have unlocked the full potential of Solidly providing an AMM that has become the next-generation base layer for ecosystem liquidity management.

If you are not familiar with Velodrome's enhancements over Solidly here is a quick review.

  • Improved mechanics: Improved the design of the protocol mechanism to better align incentives for voters and LPs.

  • Smoothed emissions program: Adjust emissions to more closely match the original Solidly documentation and boost the sustainability of the protocol.

  • Improved initial distribution: Adapt the distribution mechanism to be more "fair launch" oriented.

  • Improved voting: Ensure that protocols are incentivized to maintain voting power and that voters are incentivized to vote for the pools that generate the most shares

  • Fix bribes: Fix the broken bribe layer that allows bounties to be transmitted and votes to be changed in the snapshot

  • Controlled whitelists: Create safeguards to prevent abuse of whitelists

  • Improved user experience: Fixed known bugs and improved the overall experience.

  • Human element: Empower a dedicated team and/or DAO to support and continuously improve the protocol and community.

Why Kava?

We believe 2023 will be a year of explosive growth for the entire Cosmos ecosystem and KAVA will be the blockchain leading the way. Because Kava combines the flexibility and speed of Ethereum smart contract development with the interoperability of the Cosmos SDK on a single network, all powered by the ultra-fast Tendermint consensus engine.

Kava has invested significant resources in improving their developer experience and their 750M development program to build on the blockchain makes them an ecosystem ready to support a multitude of new projects and protocols in need of a next generation AMM that the blockchain currently missing.

In addition to having a complete and large team, Kava is aligned with our values. They put the long-term development and diffusion vision with a careful treatment of their community and chain projects.

Last updated